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Indiana Lakes Management Society

Indiana lakeS

management society

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Indiana Lakes Management Society, Inc., more commonly known as “ILMS”, was incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation in the State of Indiana in 1991 by a group of individuals with a common interest in protecting and saving Indiana lakes for future generations.

The Articles of Incorporation clearly set forth the purposes of the corporation as follows:

“…promote and encourage the understanding and comprehensive management of lakes and reservoirs and their watershed ecosystems.”

In the years since incorporation, the organization has set forth primary objectives, and works to adhere to these goals:

  • Promote and provide a forum for the sharing of information and experience on scientific, legal, administrative, and financial aspects of lake and watershed management.
  • Foster and assist in the development of local lake restoration and protection programs in accordance with appropriate management strategies and techniques.
  • Encourage the cooperation and interaction of organizations, agencies, units of government, and individuals concerned with lake and watershed management and protection.
  • Encourage, support and assist in the development of local, state and national programs, policies, and legislation promoting lake and watershed management.
  • Encourage development and enforcement of laws and legislation designed to protect vital water resources and their environments.

The ILMS organization produces quarterly newsletters, sponsors conferences, provides a technical assistance network, and encourages collaboration between local lake association leaders and managers to share ideas and techniques.


Operation and management of the affairs of the corporation are vested in a 13-member board of directors composed of five officers (Past President, President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) that constitute the Executive Committee, and eight directors from various geographic regions of Indiana.


ILMS membership is open to all individuals, institutions, corporations and organizations whose interests are like-minded and consistent with the objectives of the Society. There are currently six categories of membership available in ILMS. These are as follows:

Voting Membership

  • Student—An individual person enrolled as a full time student in a K-12 or college-level curriculum for the majority of the year. [$10]
  • Individual—An individual person not enrolled as a full-time student. [$15]
  • Family—Two or more individuals sharing the same household and/or address. [$25]
  • Public/Not-of-Profit—Non-profit organizations, groups or agencies. Includes lake associations, municipalities, conservation organizations and conservancy districts, publicly-owned utilities and governmental units which have an interest in lake and watershed management. [$50]
  • Sustaining—Commercial operations, for-profit corporations, organizations or individuals wishing to contribute at a higher level than required because of their dedicated interest in the activities and future of the Society. [$120]

Non-Voting Membership

  • Associate—A group, agency or entity (such as a library or grant issuing organization) with similar goals and objectives, wishing to ally themselves with the Society in a supportive and openly communicative role while maintaining a non-ruling (i.e. non-voting) relationship. [$30]
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